• lgoerigk
  1. Award for Dale Lonsdale

    Congratulations to Dale Lonsdale for having been awarded the award for the best student demonstrator in second year at this year’s School of Chemistry awards night.


  2. 2020 Rennie Memorial Medal awarded to Lars Goerigk

    Dr Lars Goerigk won a 2020 Rennie Memorial Medal, the highest national prize awarded to early career researchers by the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI). With …


  3. New article on fast DFT-D4 variants of leading DFT methods

    Congrats to Asim Najibi on his newest paper in the Journal of Computational Chemistry. The paper presents DFT-D4 variants of the leading (ω)B97M/X class of functionals …


  4. New article on time-dependent double hybrid DFT

    Congratulations to Marcos who published his latest contribution to the field of time-dependent range-separated double hybrids for excitation energies in a special issue on 65 Years …


  5. Front cover in PCCP

    Recently, we shared the news of an article by Dale Lonsdale that had been published in PCCP’s inaugural “Emerging Investigators” and the “2020 Hot Article” Themed …


  6. Lars Goerigk appointed to inaugural Chemical Reviews Early Career Advisory Board

    Dr Lars Goerigk has joined the inaugural Early Career Advisory Board of Chemical Reviews as one of ten international early and mid-career researchers. The list of …


  7. New account takes you to the TD-DFT zoo

    As a follow up to last year’s popular trip to the ground-state DFT zoo, we now take non-expert users on a trip to the TD-DFT zoo …


  8. New article on semi-conducting mixed-valent coordination polymers

    We are glad to have been involved in a collaboration on semi-conducting mixed-valent coordination polymers led by the Abrahams group at the School of Chemistry with …


  9. Article on the self-interaction error now part of PCCP’s 2020 Hot Article Themed Collection

    Our recent article on the one-electron self-interaction error that got published as part of PCCP’s inaugural Emerging Investigators Themed Collection, has been included to the journal’s …


  10. New article in PCCP and recognition as an Emerging Investigator

    Congratulations to Dale on his first paper. The article published in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP) deals with a yet-to-be-solved problem in Density Functional Theory (DFT), …


Number of posts found: 154