Amy Hancock (PhD student)
Amy Hancock
Melbourne Centre for Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
The University of Melbourne, VIC 3010
Room: 172 (Masson Building)
E-mail: achancock AT
2020 – present: PhD student, School of Chemistry, The University of Melbourne, Australia
2018 – 2019: Master of Science (Chemistry) (with Distinction), School of Chemistry, The University of Melbourne, Australia
2015 – 2017: Bachelor of Science (Advanced) in Chemistry and Theoretical Physics, The University of Adelaide, Australia
2024: Judge’s choice poster prize, 2024 Graduate Research Conference, School of Chemistry, The University of Melbourne, Australia
2022: Third-best poster, Melbourne Meeting for Molecular Modellers 2022, Melbourne, Australia.
2022: Poster Prize, Physical Chemistry symposium, RACI National Congress, Brisbane, Australia
2022: T.W. Healy Award to attend the RACI 2022 National Congress in Brisbane, Australia (School of Chemistry, The University of Melbourne)
2020: Melbourne Research Scholarship, The University of Melbourne, Australia
2019: Poster Prize, Asia-Pacific Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists (APATCC)
2016—2017: Scholarship for Female Students in Science and Engineering, Defence Science Technology Group
Professional Memberships and Academic Service
2020 – present: student member of Royal Australian Chemical Institute (MRACI)
2018 – present: General Representative (2020, 2018), Secretary (2019), and President (2024) of Chemistry Postgraduate Society, The University of Melbourne
2. A. C. Hancock, E.Giudici, L. Goerigk, “How do spin-scaled double hybrids designed for excitation energies perform for noncovalent excited-state interactions? An investigation on aromatic excimer models”, Journal of Computational Chemistry 2024, 45, 1667-1681. DOI: 10.1002/jcc.27351 (Carlo Adamo Birthday Special Issue, open access)
1. A. C. Hancock, L. Goerigk, “Noncovalently bound excited-state dimers: a perspective on current time-dependent Density Functional Theory approaches applied to aromatic excimer models”, RSC Advances 2023, 13, 35964-35984 (DOI: 10.1039/D3RA07381E); republished, corrected version of RSC Advances 2022, 12, 13014-13034 (DOI: 10.1039/D2RA01703B); see retraction notice. (“Emerging Investigators” Themed Collection 2022, open access)
6. 09/2023 – Talk: “Exploring noncovalent excited-state interactions in aromatic dimers with TD-DFT approaches”, 2023 Graduate Research Conference, School of Chemistry, The University of Melbourne, Australia
8. 11/2022 – Poster: “Do modern TD-DFT methods rise to the challenge of noncovalent excited-state binding?”, Melbourne Meeting for Molecular Modellers 2022, Melbourne, Australia.
7. 11/2022 – Invited Talk: “Further insights into describing noncovalently bound excited-state dimers with TD-DFT methods”, RACI PhysChem Research Webinars
6. 10/2022 – Talk: “Do modern TD-DFT methods rise to the challenge of noncovalent excited-state binding?”, 2022 Graduate Research Conference, School of Chemistry, The University of Melbourne, Australia
5. 07/2022 – Poster: “Do modern TD-DFT methods rise to the challenge of noncovalent excited-state binding?”, RACI National Congress 2022, Brisbane, Australia.
4. 11/2021 – Talk: “Analysis of current TD-DFT methods to describe excimer binding”, RACI PhysChem Summer Festival 2021, Australia.
3. 11/2021 – Invited Talk: “Excimer binding as a perspective on current TD-DFT approaches”, RACI PhysChem Research Webinars
2. 07/2021 – Invited Talk: “Missing dispersion in TD-DFT: A study of excimer binding”, RACI PhysChem Research Webinars
1. 10/2019 – Poster: “Assessing noncovalent interactions in electronic excited states”, APATCC 2019, Sydney, Australia.