Research Group
The Goerigk Research Group

Current Members
- A/Prof. Lars Goerigk (Dipl.-Chem., PhD Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster): group leader, see CV
- Amy Hancock (BSc The University of Adelaide, MSc The University of Melbourne): PhD student, see CV
- Ariel Jones (BSc Hons, The University of Queenland): PhD student, see CV
- Shebual Sebastian Antony Selvan (BSc Loyola College, MSc La Trobe University): PhD student, see CV
- Ismath Haseena Ismail (BSc Hons University of Peradeniya Sri Lanka): PhD student (co-supervision with the Boskovic group), see CV
- Ha-Quyen Ngyugen (BSc Vietnam National University, MSc National Taiwan University): joint-PhD student with Jagau group at KU Leuven, Belgium, see CV
- Moss Cowcher (BSc, The University of Melbourne): Masters student
- Vaughan Riley (BSc, The University of Melbourne): Masters student
- Erica Giudici: (BSc, The University of Melbourne): Masters student
Past Members
- Dr Dale Lonsdale (BSc, MSc, PhD The University of Melbourne): former PhD student, see CV (last updated in 11/24)
- Benjamin Heath: research project student
- Dr Zahra Zahir (BSc Hons University of Peradeniya Sri Lanka, PhD The University of Melbourne): former PhD student (co-supervision with the Boskovic group), see CV (last updated in 05/24)
- Dr Dominique Wappett (BSc, MSc, PhD The University of Melbourne): former PhD student, see CV (last updated in 02/24)
- Emily Green: research project student (Melbourne)
- Tobias Loeff (BSc, The University of Edinburgh): Masters exchange student
- Cooper Forster: research project student (Melbourne)
- Dr Nisha Mehta (BSc Hons St. Stephen’s College University of Delhi, MSc Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, PhD The University of Melbourne): PhD student, see CV (last updated in 10/21)
- Dr Marcos Casanova Páez (BSc Universidad de Santiago de Chile, MSc Universidad de Chile, PhD The University of Melbourne): PhD student, see CV (last updated in 09/21)
- Dr Asim Najibi (BSc Hons, PhD The University of Melbourne): Honours and PhD student, see CV (last updated in 09/21)
- Joshua Van Dijk (BSc The University of Melbourne): research project student, research assistant
- Haoxin Li: research project student (Melbourne)
- Anwen Xu: research project student (Melbourne)
- Miles Pemberton: international research project student (University of Nottingham, UK)
- Julius Stückrath: visiting exchange student from Humboldt University Berlin, Germany
- Le Nhan Pham (MSc University of Science, Vietnam): Visiting PhD student from KU Leuven, Belgium
- Michael Dardis: research project student (Melbourne)
- Marina Jansen: visiting student from the University of Münster, Germany
- Viki Kumar Prasad: research intern from the Indian Institute of Technology Karaghpur
- Dr Guochun Yang: visiting scientist/postdoc from Northeast Normal University, China
- Dr Yanling Si: visiting scientist/postdoc from Jilin Agricultural University, China
- Rahul Sharma: visiting student from the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Future Group Members?
Interested in doing your Masters/Honours? (read more here)
The Group on Social Media
- Twitter: Follow @lgoer_compchem
- Research Gate
Older Group Pictures