Article in Angewandte Chemie

Our recent collaborative efforts with the Ritchie and O’Hair groups have been published in Angewandte Chemie.

We present a novel way of synthesising Mo-V polyanions, which had not been experimentally accessible before, by using microwaves. Our quantum-chemical calculations were important in understanding the resulting structures and their distribution.

English version in Angewandte Chemie International Edition: DOI: 10.1002/anie.201608589

German version in Angewandte Chemie: DOI: 10.1002/ange.201608589

Travel award for Asim Najibi

Contragulations to Asim Najibi for winning the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre Travel Award to attend the Australian Symposium on Computational Chemistry in Perth on 1-2 December 2016. The symposium will be held in honour of distinguished quantum chemists Prof. Leo Radom (The University of Sydney) and Prof. Jan Martin (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel) and thanks to the award, Asim will have the opportunity to meet some of the best people in the field of Theoretical and Computational Quantum Chemistry.

Goodbye Yanling, Guochun and Viki

Goodbye to Dr Yanling Si, Dr Guochun Yang and Mr Viki Kumar Prasad.

Drs. Si and Yang have returned to their respective home institutions at Jilin Agriculatural and Northeast Normal Universities, China, while Mr Prasad will relocated to Canada soon to undertake his PhD research in the group of A/Prof. Gino DiLabio at the University of British Colombia. Good luck, everyone, with your future research.

Workshop on Chemistry and Light at Nossal High School

workshop-on-chemistry-and-lightDrs. Chris Ritchie and Lars Goerigk from the School of Chemistry in collaboration with Chemistry alumnus Dr Kerwyn Alley have successfully conducted a workshop entitled “Chemistry in action through light” with selected year-11 students at Nossal High School in Berwick. The workshop allowed students to get a glimpse of real-life chemical research by investigating how light can induce changes in molecular structures and in their colours. The workshop introduced the students to both experimental and computational chemistry techniques, the latter being a completely unexplored territory for high-school students. This workshop has been funded by the Dean of Science’s Engagement Seed Funding and shows our ongoing commitment to engaging with local schools to bring our research closer to the chemists of the future. More on this workshop, including the students’ overwhelmingly positive feedback, can be found on pages 10-11 in Nossal High School’s newsletter.

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