• lgoerigk
  1. PhD completion seminar

    Nisha Mehta successfully gave her PhD completion seminar today. Congratulations!


  2. Largest QM study on chalcogen interactions

    Congratulations to Nisha for publishing the most comprehensive QM study of chalcogen interactions. Her new CHAL336 benchmark set covers a wide range of different interactions involving …


  3. New collaborative paper

    Dr Lars Goerigk has provided computational insights for a collaboration with colleagues from the School of Chemistry and the ARC Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science …


  4. PhD completion seminar

    Asim Najibi successfully gave his PhD completion seminar. Congratulations!


  5. Poster award for Zahra

    Congratulations to Zahra (co-supervised with A/Prof. Colette Boskovic) for winning a poster award at the Asian Conference on Molecular Magnetism where she presented results of some …


  6. Nisha Mehta interviewed by Unacademy

    On 28 February, Nisha Mehta gave a live interview with Unacademy, one of India’s largest online learning platforms. Nisha talked about her journey on becoming a …


  7. Double-hybrid and TD-DFT review most read article

    Our free-access review on double-hybrids and TD-DFT for excited states is the most read article in the Australian Journal of Chemistry in the last 60 days: …


  8. Success for double-hybrid review for the treatment of excited states

    Our free-access review on double-hybrids for excited states is the second most read article in the Australian Journal of Chemistry in the last 60 days: https://www.publish.csiro.au/ch#MostRead


  9. New article on time-dependent double hybrids

    Congratulations to Marcos on our first new publication in 2021. In a letter to the editor we correct an inadvertently given, incomplete account of previous developments …


  10. Welcome to Joshua Van Dijk

    Welcome to Joshua Van Dijk who joins our group over summer for his third-year research project.


Number of posts found: 154